The Leander school district plans to open an elementary school in a former chemical company site. And why would they do such a thing? Because the school district thought by buying the site with six buildings would be cheaper then buying an acre site and having to build the school as well. Like any other parents would be, it’s only a natural instinct to be worry that their child is designated to go to that school. According to the commission, it is rank four out of five (five being the highest possible hazard). In my perspective, I am appalled that they would even consider the thought of running an elementary school full of little children and all people in general at a former chemical company. Even though the district are asking the school board member for money to help clean up the school, the plan for opening the school there should be cancelled.
For the Complete Article:
State agency finds school has hazard concerns
Welcome to the Blogsphere, and thank you very much for the link! I hope to see more from your blog. If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. I'm the blogger over at Capitol Annex.
This story is pretty appalling to me, as I just finished reading the Texas Observers cover story on the Mission pesticide poisoning.
I just hope the selection criteria included due diligence as to just exactly WHAT chemicals were housed at that site. I'm not optimistic.
On a happier note, Let me add my welcome to Vince's.
Please consider yourself invited to drop by Texas Kaos anytime.
Nice work!
As Vince says, welcome! You have joined an elite and powerful club of progressive and liberal Texas bloggers who are making waves in Texas politics and...okay, so probably you have to much time on your hand and your friends are tired of listening to you rant about "political" stuff. However, you got here, good luck with your blog!
Well written article.
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